harmful trends中文什么意思

发音:   用"harmful trends"造句
  • harmful:    adj. 有害的。 adv. -ly ...
  • trend:    n. (路、河、海岸、山脉等的)走向 ...
  • be harmful of:    对……有害
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  1. Cause of harmful trends in planting potatoes and its prevention
  2. The satisfying demand of customers " needs is responded through the aspects in quality , cost , delivery time limit etc . a prosperous development structure is formed . that is product with no adventure , development with no wasting , and production with no wasting . thus it is very helpful to improve management of enterprise activity and increase enterprise vigor , but the more important , consciousness of staff is basically altered to use effective way in enterprise , regard manpower as core , increase consciousness of the whole participation , construct a system to prevent disaster harmful trends and wasting from happening and facilitate the change of management conception at the same time
    本文介绍了建设集团在2000年度下半年导入tpm活动(全员参加的生产经营改善活动) ,确定了质量、设备、生产、技术、成本、安全等六个方面的推进方向,在销售、开发、购买、制造各个环节进行了实施,整个改善活动实施中以组织为脉络,以现场为背景,以人力为核心,以管理为手段,以产品为结果作为切入点,把开发、生产及销售过程作为企业生产经营改善的突破口,从质量、成本、交货期等方面及时响应客户所需产品的满意要求,使公司形成了市场需要风险为“零”的产品,开发浪费为“零” ,生产浪费为“零”的格局。


  1. harmful to 什么意思
  2. harmful to the people 什么意思
  3. harmful to the youth and children 什么意思
  4. harmful traditional practices 什么意思
  5. harmful transboundary effects 什么意思
  6. harmful use 什么意思
  7. harmful variation 什么意思
  8. harmful wastes 什么意思
  9. harmful water 什么意思
  10. harmful wind 什么意思



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